Friday, 7 September 2012


Despite her sad loss of glorious leader wasp, Peanut managed to find purpose in life again and discovered some fun new activities to do around the kitchen. Her most favourite thing to do is to turn herself into a sticky little grey water pistol. This involves drinking all the water in her bowl and then immediately squirting it out all over as much of the floor as possible. 

Another thing that brings her much joy is doing happy little circles around her objects of desire, for instance if my mother is mashing up some prime duck anus for her she will run determined laps around her until the stinky meat is presented to her, where upon she will gum it with her tiny bird mouth to show she's just like the other dogs but then swallow it whole anyway. If she is interrupted during her journey she will do even smaller circles in front of the obstruction (usually greedy breeze block Angel) until it is removed from her path, whereupon she will return to her manic attempts to dizzy my mum into dropping her food early.

After a hard days widdling and circling she likes nothing more than to curl up on top of her mother and have a snooze, and when I say on top I literally mean she will clamber up her resting mammy and then fall asleep with her butt on her back and her face on the floor.